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Moving Forward as a Charity Matchmaker

My journey over these past few months has been emotional, educational, and fulfilling. I have had the opportunity to meet with many charity leaders and to learn more about the organizations they serve. Some of these groups I had minimal, or no, knowledge of previously. I’ve reinforced my knowledge that there are many passionate, dedicated people who give of their heart and soul to make our community stronger. It has been therapeutic to write of their stories, and immensely gratifying to feel that by spreading the word, I am making their jobs just a little bit easier.

At a recent meeting with friends from the Valley of the Sun Active 20/30 Club, Liza Cohen gave me a new title. Hearing of the connections that have come out of my meetings and through the blog posts I have written, she dubbed me as a “Charity Matchmaker”.

After posting a story about Harvest Compassion Centers, Dorothy donated clothing to support this great cause, and also inquired about volunteering. Allison, a young professional new to the Valley, read my story about Treasures 4 Teachers, and having a background in education, wants to volunteer to support their services to Arizona educators. Beth Fiorenza, the Executive Director of NourishPHX, asked to be connected to Nicolee Thompson at Harvest Compassion Centers to explore collaborative energies between these two causes with similar missions. Denise Resnick of First Place Arizona reached out to me to explore volunteer options for their residents with autism. Kris Jacober of Arizona Friends of Foster Children was introduced to Jo Jones to learn of the work being done at Jacob’s Hope for substance-exposed newborns.

It has always been my belief that collaboration is vitally important, especially among charities. There is so much work to be done to make our community stronger, and egos among nonprofit leaders should be checked at the door. By working together, so much more can be accomplished. By promoting and sharing information about charities who are on the front lines, actually doing the work every day, I’ve found a new niche that is bringing me great pride and satisfaction.
To those who have read my posts and subscribed to my page, thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to educate yourselves and to learn of people dedicated to doing good for those in need. I encourage you to check into the organizations I write about, to consider volunteering, as well as donating, to a cause that resonates with you.

There’s a lot of work to be done, and I believe that those who dedicate themselves to missions that serve our fellow man deserve a pat on the back and a word of praise.

Thank you to all the organizational leaders I have written about. I know first-hand that your job is incredibly difficult, and many times seemingly thankless. Keep on doing the right thing, and I hope that my role as a Charity Matchmaker can provide new energy and support to help you (and me) continue Giving Back while together we are always Moving Forward!

Dan Shufelt, the former CEO of Arizona Helping Hands, has been involved in the charity world as an executive and grant maker for many years.

If you enjoy learning of caring people and the amazing work they devote their energy to advance, be sure to sign up for Dan’s blog (see sign-up form below).

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