I’ve had the honor and privilege to work alongside amazing volunteers throughout my years as a charity CEO. Women and men took time out of their personal lives to dedicate themselves to assisting charity causes that touched their soul and brought them joy. So many folks participated in regular activities like working in the warehouse, assisting with projects and events, or helping out at the front desk.
I always tried to make known how important and appreciated volunteers were – I hope they saw it in a hug, high five or a word of gratitude. They were vital to our ability to achieve our charitable mission.
In its newest Value of Volunteer Time report, Independent Sector, with the Do Good Institute, announced on April 19, 2023 that the value of every volunteer hour is estimated to be $31.80. I interacted with many volunteers who gave 4 hours or more per week. The savings to charitable organizations is enormous, eliminating the need to hire additional workers, and providing a connection to community members, while expanding the charity’s ability to serve those in need.
So many Arizonans give of their hearts to help, and I want to give a shout out to everyone who chooses to participate in the important work being done by nonprofits right here in our backyard. A special thank you goes out to three women who I knew could always be relied upon to help whenever we needed a little bit extra.
With management and philosophy changes, these ladies and others felt disenfranchised and unappreciated, and chose to step aside from the volunteer engagement that gave them such satisfaction. But that didn’t put an end to their desire to help. In recent months, they have partnered with two great organizations, Maggie’s Place and the Assistance League of Phoenix. They also have lent support to the birthday program I’ve started up to assist families served by Saving Amy. All this goes to prove that there is no stopping those who have a desire and drive to help!
Volunteers like Anne, Dorothy, Marilyn and others like them are of enormous value to any organization. Their energy, smiles, enthusiasm and heart make so many good things happen. I love volunteers and give thanks to all who choose to take some time out of their hectic lives to do a few good deeds for others. Our world is a much better place because of you!
I encourage you to get involved with a charitable cause that you believe in and that appreciates its volunteers. If you’d like suggestions on how you can help to make a difference, please reach out to me!

Dan Shufelt, the former CEO of Arizona Helping Hands, has been involved in the charity world as an executive and grant maker for many years.
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